For information about Zasep Rinpoche's teaching and events, please visit Gaden for the West website.

Gaden for the West
Tsongkhapa Meditation Center is part of Gaden of the West, founded by Ven. Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.
Gaden for the West is an international organization of Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, his students, and meditation centers, created for the express purpose of bringing, interpreting and integrating Gelugpa Tibetan Buddhism to the western world. Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche created this vehicle to make Gelugpa Tibetan Buddhism accessible to as many people as possible. People in the west are different from Tibetans in their culture, customs and psychology. Western minds need the teachings of Buddha presented from a different point of view.
For information, visit gadenforthewest.org

Gaden Relief Projects
Gaden Relief Projects is a volunteer non-profit organization that has been providing humanitarian aid to the sick and needy, as well as spiritual support to Buddhist communities in the Himalayan region and Mongolia, for the past 30 years. We address the urgent needs of Buddhist communities and monastics with minimal support in remote areas. Since 1988, Gaden Relief has raised over $500,000 in donations, of which 95% has gone directly to people in need as aid.
Some of the institutions we have supported:
Amarbayasgalant Monastery, Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Delgeruun Choir, Gobi Desert, Mongolia
Chuchikjall Nunnery, Zangskar, India
Drepung Loseling University, Mundgod, India
Geden Choling Nunnery, Dharamsala, India
Samten Choling Nunnery, Dharamsala, India
Sera Jhe Health Care Centre, Bylakuppe, India
SerJey Denma Khangtsen, Bylakuppe, India
Zuru Monastery, Kham, Tibet
For information and to donate, visit gadenrelief.org

Gaden for the West Meditation Centres
Vajra Ling, Uralla, N.S.W.
Losang Gyalwa Mandala, Sydney, N.S.W.
Tenzing Ling Centre, Quamaa, N.S.W.
Dorje Ling Retreat Centre, Lorina Valley, Tasmania
Chittamani Mahayana Buddhist Meditation Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
Gaden Choling, Toronto, Ontario
Medicine Buddha Centre, Calgary, Alberta
Potala Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Tashi Choling, Nelson, B. C.
Zuru Ling Society, Vancouver, B.C.
Tsongkhapa Meditation Center, Ste-Sophie, Quebec
United States
Tsongkhapa Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan